Tuesday, July 08, 2014

Our gremlin number two

And this is Merlin. We had a lot of problems with him. He was found in a bush of a park with a few days old. We saw him after he opened his eyes and we knew he was for us. He was at the vet with another kitten and when they were playing the other cat bit his pride tearing his urethra. They operated on him and we had to wait since we hadn't adopted him yet! Since the vet knows us, she let us take him as fostering... And since he had problems doing a number 1, he had another operation. And yet another one! We were worried sick! But he's a fighter!

That's Alan and Merlin.

He loves sleeping in the washbasin... Weird cat!

... Or on top of the wardrobe!

He's a poser!

He also likes yoghurt...

... And daddy's ear!

Soft kitty, warm kitty, little ball of fur,
Happy kitty, sleepy kitty, purr, purr, purr.

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